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A Voice for the Upper Spencer Gulf Region



Since 1998 the Upper Spencer Gulf Common Purpose Group has been working together to build this region into a place of strong and diverse industry, healthy living and quality education opportunities.



Working as an alliance combines the voices of regional leaders across the three cities and helps bring together the organisations which are vital to the growth and development of these three cities and their hinterlands.



The Upper Spencer Gulf Common Purpose Group is currently focussing on a number of initiatives that support transformation of our region to cleaner, more innovative and economically diverse cities. These include:


  • Economic diversification of the Upper Spencer Gulf by realising our potential for clean technologies, renewable energy and innovation in arid-smart technologies, minerals processing and value-adding.

  • Improving higher education and research capabilities to support these emerging sectors in the Upper Spencer Gulf by linking the needs of local industry with access to a collaborative network of universities, research institutes and training providers coordinated and co-located within the Upper Spencer Gulf.

  • Improving coordination of environment and development assessment to improve developer certainty and conservation outcomes.

  • Enhancing strategic infrastructure and intermodal potential of the region.

  • Improving city attractiveness and liveability through strategic facility upgrades, mainstreet activation and improved buffer zones between heavy industry and city centres.



Through this work the Group aims to help  build a strong region which attracts industry investment and skilled professionals whilst retaining young people from the region.



Upper Spencer Gulf Memorandum of Understanding


On 25 September 2012 a Memorandum of Understanding for a ‘Place-Based Approach to the Upper Spencer Gulf’ was signed by Commonwealth, State and Local Government.


The MOU provided a strategic framework for coordinating effort to support economic diversification, prosperity and sustainable communities and recognised the mutual interest by the three tiers of government in developing a strategy based on:

  • Appropriate sequencing of investment and coordination of effort

  • Maximising the benefit of investment for improving infrastructure, liveability and economic resilience

  • Aligning economic, environmental and social development planning and action

  • A governance framework supported by effective structures on the ground and

  • The priorities and aspirations of communities and governments.


The Memorandum commits the parties to work together to:

Respond to the Upper Spencer Gulf’s distinct challenges and opportunities in a manner that best reflects community and government priorities and aspirations;

Facilitates the coordination of economic and community infrastructure that targets the needs of the Upper Spencer Gulf

Builds on existing activities and initiatives to develop a sustainable, comprehensive place-based strategy for the region;

Engage industry and community leaders as active participants in policy development and implementation and

Supports the Upper Spencer Gulf community to realise benefit from economic opportunities.


Particular outcomes sought through the MOU included:

  • A competitive, vibrant and self-reliant economy and community

  • Effective coordination and planning of economic and social infrastructure

  • A diversified and viable economic base

  • Improved resilience to changes in the local economic conditions

  • A skilled and flexible local workforce

  • Improved social capital, well-being and liveability in local communities

A sustainable environment.


A high level ‘Upper Spencer Gulf Alliance’ was formed under the MOU to provide strategic oversight of the initiative. Membership of the Alliance included the Commonwealth Minister for Regional Australia and Local Government, the South Australian Minister for Regional Development, the Mayors of the Port Pirie, Port Augusta and Whyalla Council and the president of the Local Government Association.


A working group comprising various Regional, State and Commonwealth agencies provided support to the Alliance and guided the workplan of the initiative.


A copy of the MOU can be found here

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